Do people really fail in March?

Remember that surge of motivation you had back in January?

The hurry to go get a gym membership and how it felt like a badge of honour? 

The language app you downloaded with the vow to finally become fluent?

All the certification exams you planned to write before the end of the first quarter?

Well, just like so many in the world, that initial enthusiasm at the start of the year has probably faded a bit by now and has left you in a state of confusion, not knowing what to do next or how to get back your grind.

March is that month, the month when goals lie dormant and dreams are laid to rest.

But wait! Before you throw in the towel on your goals, let’s talk about why people fail in March, and more importantly, how to avoid the mistakes they make.

So Why Do People Fail In March?


Well, we might want to begin by asking where all the motivation we had at the start of the year went. If you are wondering where, then here’s an answer for you. Life took them away. 

Oh yes, Life is filled with unexpected events that we often don’t put into consideration when making our plans or setting our goals. What makes it worse is that we rely on the short bursts of excitement that we get on ‘New Year’s Eve’ to keep us charged up all through the year. But, how possible is it?

Sooner or later, this excitement wears off and is replaced with the daily hustle and bustle of the struggle for survival. The unplanned events pop up, throwing our schedules into disarray. Then we hit a plateau in our progress, and end up feeling stuck and discouraged. 

I guess this explains it all.

But here’s something you must keep in mind. These are all normal experiences that, unfortunately, end up dampening our motivation and slowing us down.

So you see, this is not just about failing in March, it is more about how different events swing by and how we allow them swing away with all the inspiration and energy we have garnered earlier in the year.

In all, understand that losing momentum is not a sign of failure, it’s a sign you’re human. It happens to the best of us. Now that you are aware of what the problem is, it’s time to turn things around.

So, how do we ensure we avoid the mistakes that make many fail not just in March but the rest of the year?

Change Your Mindset:

Instead of mourning your loss of enthusiasm and beating yourself up over the unachieved goals, see it as an opportunity to refocus and adjust. Examine the goals you set and ask yourself, Is there a need to tweak them? Were they too ambitious or unrealistic?

The challenge most of us experience is that we do not know how to set SMART goals. By SMART I mean, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. We often get so carried away by the achievements of others that we fail to see what is most important for us to focus on. 

Use this time to re-evaluate your plan and set smaller, achievable milestones. Focus on your journey, and prioritise activities that will help you get closer to your goals. While at it, identify and celebrate your small wins. This will keep you motivated and moving forward.

Cultivate Positive Habits:

Building positive habits is the bedrock of long-term success. It’s not just about setting goals, do you have the right attitude to help you achieve those goals? Common habits like; procrastination, fear, or even making excuses can keep you from hitting the targets you have set for yourself.

Most of these bad habits are usually not easily identifiable until you look closely. The best way to get rid of them is to cultivate the right habits. 

Start with the small things, instead of waiting till you have it all figured out, focus on consistency. Aim for 10-minute daily workouts instead of a full hour every other day. Dedicate 15 minutes each morning to learning a new language instead of trying to cram in hours on weekends, start making inquiries about the certifications you want to get instead of waiting till you have the fee. 

Small, consistent efforts will slowly but surely lead to big results, and in the process, you build the habits needed to achieve the goals you’ve set.

Invest in Yourself: 

Sometimes, achieving your goals requires acquiring new skills and knowledge. The lack of understanding of this draws a lot of us back in the pursuit of our goals and vision. We underestimate the effort required to achieve a goal and overestimate the result we want to get. 

How realistic are you about the effort required for that plan to work? 

Take for instance, you set a goal to become one of the leading project managers in your industry. Achieving this kind of goal requires a lot of studying and upskilling. From reading, project management-related books to taking courses and certifications and staying updated on the latest practices. All these will expose you to the knowledge you need to thrive and stand out as a project manager in your industry.

So, any professional, setting this type of goal without any learning intentions to back it up, or any clear direction on how to get this result is just setting themselves up for frustration. It gets even worse when it seems like you are doing a lot but nothing is happening. 

But here’s the interesting part, we could be your wingman on this journey. Certification Edge offers you a diverse range of top-tier certifications that can help you build global relevance in your field and unlock new career opportunities. 

Investing in yourself is an investment in your future. It doesn’t just make achieving your goals easier, it also shows your commitment to growth and development and makes you a more valuable asset wherever you go both home and abroad.

Who knows, getting a global certification might just be all you need to smash those goals and avoid the ‘March woes.’

Find an Accountability buddy:

As the popular saying goes, ‘No one is an Island.’ Everybody needs somebody, and you reading this right now cannot achieve those big plans on your own. Having someone to support and encourage you can make a world of difference. 

Share your goals with a friend, mentor, or family member with your best interest at heart, and check in with each other regularly to ensure you are on track. 

Knowing someone is rooting for you can be a powerful motivator when the going gets tough.

Prioritise Self-Care:

Taking care of yourself is not selfish, it is essential for maintaining your energy and focus. Don’t let the world trick you into feeling guilty whenever you try to give yourself some attention. Get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and schedule activities you enjoy and help you recharge your soul.

A well-rested and happy you is much more likely to crush your goals than an exhausted and burnt-out one.

March can be a notorious ‘goal-killer,’ if you want it to be. So don’t just sit back there and do nothing, dust off those goals, and get moving. 

‘Only those who deliberately march into March, march forward.’


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