Exam Preparatory SELF STUDY

Our certification Self-study option allows you to prepare to pass HR, Project Management, Business Analysis, and Scrum Exam, where and when it’s convenient for you, using comprehensive reading materials and interactive online tools, available 24/7. You have the freedom to structure your own daily, weekly, or even monthly study goals around your busy, and or unpredictable schedule.

Self study may be the option for you if:

You have a very busy and, or unpredictable schedule that may make it impossible to attend our online training.

You are committed and self-motivated to stay on track to meet your certification goal.

Generally prefer to study on your own, and at your own pace.

You think you can pass the exam without the help of our experience and industry finest preparatory class facilitator

What’s Included in Our Self Study Package

We have a robust self-study package to make your certification journey easier. It contains the following and more:

Comprehensive hard copy manuals

Access to our innovative learning management system (LMS)

Gain access to e-manuals on each topic for easier access

Over 1000 practice questions: Progress and understanding check live test questions at the end of each chapter to help check your understanding and retention of each topics.

Complete Certification Advisory Officers support

Scrum master self study program

What Our Students Say