Learning how to pass PMP exam on first try as a preparation strategy is perhaps the most important thing you need to do first before taking the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification exam. As Benjamin Franklin has aptly stated, “by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”

The PMP certification is a credential that comes with a lot of benefits for the individual hoping to pass the exam on their very first try and the organization they work for. And because the credential offers amazing benefits to individuals and organizations, futuristic brands, make it a habit to get their project managers certified to boost the efficiency of the company and help to mitigate risks.


But Why Do Project Managers Like to Pass PMP Exam on First Try?

Generally speaking, nobody would want to sit for any exam twice, but when the exam is very important to your career advancement and your quest to improve your livelihood, it becomes even more important to pass such exam fast.

Another key reason why learning how to pass the pmp exam on your first try is very important is because of the cost of getting PMP certified. PMP certification exam cost about $405+, and a good amount of your time in preparing for the exam. Though the benefits of PMP certification far outweigh the cost, both are key factors why students want to pass it on their very first attempt. Be that as it may, how do you really pass the PMP exam on first try?


5 Tips on How to Pass PMP Exam on Your First Try

We all know that studying and passing an exam that has the capacity to move your career life forward requires a great deal of effort, time, and diligence. The Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification exam is tougher than most exam you have written and thus require the right approach.

The PMP exam requires extensive preparation to enable you to pass in one try. Simply put, your PMP exam prep is critical to making this a reality. There is a lot of study material to understand in the area of Project Management, and as a PMP hopeful, you will need to be able to master the practical applications of that information. In any case, here are 5 tips to help you pass PMP exam on first try.

PMP Prep classes

1.) Join Prep Classes Organized by PMI’s Authorized Training Providers

Joining the right prep class is a key factor in your quest to pass PMP on your very first attempt. This is because you will have access to facilitators who have passed the exam and have thought and helped many others to pass the PMP exam. With many years of experience, you will be pointed in the right direction and shown how to make it happen without having to try many times.

PMI-approved providers like Certification Edge run a very flexible online and in-class prep classes to accommodate your busy schedule and make the preparation easier.

Here are some key benefits of prep classes to enable you pass PMP on first try.

  • Getting a hold of the right kind of learning material that will help you crack the PMP exam.
  • Mentor-guided preparation/training
  • Live PMP training by industry experts with decade’s project management experience across industries.
  • Great PMP study plans by facilitators with a wealth of experience in project management. This help saves you time, in planning how you will study.
  • Support from the PMP certification advisory team to make the process smooth

If you have been wondering where to get started with your PMP exam preparation in Nigeria or anywhere else and whether you’ll have sufficient time to prepare alongside your busy schedule, get in touch with our advisory team and we will provide you the assistance you need to pass your PMP fast.



2.) Completely Understand the PMBOK® Guide

PMP credential exhibit the experience, skill, education, and competency required to lead and direct projects seamlessly in any organization, and the PMP exam is based largely on the PMBOK® Guide.

To pass your PMP easily, use the PMBOK® Guide to your advantage and make the guide the roadmap for your preparation. In the absence of joining a prep class, plan by yourself how to study one knowledge area of the PMBOK® Guide weekly or in a manner that works with your schedule.

Let your study for the PMP exam start with the guide itself and then move on to other study materials you have access to. This will help you easily improve your understanding of every topic contained in the PMBOK® Guide and study materials.

Because the materials to study are many, memorizing everything might not be the right approach. Instead, put in the effort to fully understand the concepts well, and study them with focus and concentration. This approach will make you absorb the entire PMBOK® Guide and other materials before you take the exam.

Similarly, also focus on the key relevant knowledge and principles to speed up your understanding. Make sure you are using the latest version of the PMBOK® Guide for your study so that you don’t learn principles that are not so relevant again.

Lastly, form the habit of re-studying each section for a better understanding before jumping to the next. Because the process can be arduous, that is why you may need to register for prep classes and be guided by professionals.

PMP Quizzes on how to pass PMP exam on first try

3. Attempt Multiple Practice Questions

Project management professional mock questions are created from past PMP exams to help you understand the exam and how best to answer the questions. For instance, Certification Edge has an innovative and intuitive LMS with recent questions on each topic you study.

How it works

  • For each section you study, there are live practice exam questions for you to take, to test yourself with auto marking to enable you better understand the domain.
  • Each question has a set of answers and an explanation for the right answer for quick and faster understanding. And after the study of the entire course, you are given several mock exams to help you test your overall knowledge.
  • Practice questions will help you identify the different types of questions you study and the variety of skills and knowldege you need to scale them. This will make it easy for you and help you pass the PMP exam on your first try. On the day of the exam, the moment you read the question or problem, you should know the strategy to solve it.

If you have not registered with PMI authorized provider for prep classes, ensure you are working with recent and relevant PMP test questions.

pmp learning management system

4. PMP Learning Management Systems

We have spoken earlier about the importance of planning your study and that is precisely what learning management systems (LMS) are for. A good LMS plans your PMP preparation process and all you have to do is login to the platform and start or continue from where you left off.

Our LMS is divided into domains or sections with comprehensive faculty interactive videos on each topic. The videos are discussed by our well-experienced faculty members on what each topic means, followed by live test questions to help your study and enable you to pass the PMP exam on your very first attempt.


Project management professional exam preparation strategy

5. Develop a Strategy That Works For You.

Passing the PMP exam on first try may require that you have your own preparation strategy that works for you. Truth be told, there is no one size fits all in PMP exam preparation, which is why we have an LMS that enables students to learn at their own pace, including self-study PMP hopeful.

People understand and study at different paces, therefore, find a method that suits you and keep at it. Understand your strengths and weaknesses and your learning style and focus on that for better success in your preparation. To arrive at the best strategy, you may have to try different approaches until you find what works best for you.


How to Know That You Are Ready to Pass PMP Exam on First Try

The Project Management Institute(PMI®) does not specify the number of questions that must be answered correctly for you to pass the PMP exam. The general assumption is that the right passing score is around 65 – 70 percent. Be that as it may, the 65% still rest in the realm of speculation, therefore aim for 80+ percent in your study and testing.

Using our LMS for instance will enable you to reach that percentage as you can study and take the test questions over and over again until you hit that benchmark.


I believe your quest on learning how to pass PMP exam on first try will yield a positive result if you follow this process. Truth be told, passing the PMP exam isn’t easy, but with the right approved provider to help you study, and your effort, you can achieve success.

Do you have any thoughts on how to pass PMP exam on first try, share them in the comment section?

Need help with your PMP exam, Get in touch with us.

Best wishes in your PMP exams

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