There has been some debates about the worth of professional certification and Business Analysis certification is no exception to this. But as Ronald E. Osborn succinctly stated, “Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.” Organizational growth is coded in having the best hands to manage business affairs and business analysis certification makes your company better in so many ways.

We already stated that business analysis certification is one of the most sort after professional certification in the world today. Let’s take a look at why employers should actively get involve in their employees training process.

There are a variety of reasons an employee may want business analyst certification: potential increase in salary, personal sense of achievement, promotion, or specialized expertise with a view to developing your career, etc.

But it’s not just the employee that benefits from business analyst certification. Employers profit a lot too. In fact, employers stand to gain more if they learn how to leverage on it.

Advantages of Business Analysis Certification to Organization

Below is what organizations stand to gain by either training their staff or employing BA certified staffs.

Better Solution to Business Problems

Business analyst certification training brings to the fore techniques and skills hitherto unknown to employees and employers alike. You will realize in the process of the training that there are various approaches to solving a particular problem. Before you move to get your staffs certified, you may be familiar with 1 or 2 techniques. The training in preparation for the business analysis certification exam will propel you to think outside the box and familiarize candidates with various other new skills and techniques. After the BA certification, employees will be able to apply these just acquired skills and techniques at their workplace.

Competitive Edge Over Other Brands

There is no doubt that with each year comes a stiffer competition for brands in the business world. New companies are ensuring they take over by doing all the right things and old brands wants to maintain the lead. To remain relevant and not bask in the euphoria of past glories, you need to have the best hands. Having certified business analysts in your employ, means your company will get better results and you can leverage on that to win bigger and better contracts and drive better growth.

Efficient Risk Management

A variety of risks associated with business execution can be mitigated if managed early, and the company’s business analyst sees these risks first.  Business analyst contributes a lot to mitigating project and requirement risks because of their training.  Learning how to identify these risks and how to effectively handle the situations is important to managing those risks on the job. Business analysts are skilled in risk mitigating because of their certification training.

BA Certification Leads to Boosted Productivity

In a Forbes article titled “Why A Handful Of Companies Leave The Rest In The Dust,” Marco Annunziata talked about the continuous widening gap between the best-performing companies and the dwindling daily: “it is not that the most productive firms are investing more in equipment. The key to faster productivity growth is the ability to combine new technologies with the right human capital and to change a firm’s operations, processes and managerial practices to exploit the opportunities” As a fast car is stationary without a good driver, so is a company without capable hands.

Also, a study by the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) found that companies that offered comprehensive training gathered 218% higher income per employee than those with less-comprehensive training, and enjoyed a 24% higher profit margin than those who spent less on training. A Huffington Post publication. Spending on your employee is a big investment that always pays off in so many ways.

Boosted Professional Image

Clients always want to know the capabilities of those who want to handle their business and certified staffs interacting with clients always boost client’s confidence in your band, and helped to open new doors. When other companies and clients start associating professionalism with your company because of capable hands in your employ, you will have more business than you can handle.

From the above, it is clear that business analyst certification can be a big growth channel for brand just like Project Management Professional Certification if a company choose to employ certified BA professionals or train their in-house staffs.

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